Saturday, 2 April 2011


NEW neurological patterns can be created a brain can become transform from a rigid mind to a flexible mind call expansion of the mind or plasticity a flexible mind becomes flexible through the practice of morality meditation and wisdom and by engaging the mind into creating music art reading observing the thoughts emotions forms  colors and by trans forming your own pain and sorrows through the practice of mindfulness meditation in to compassionate heart  and mind in total awareness of the relation of others recognizing their pain and desperate search for happiness if you want to experience happiness first work on being sincere  good intended  be simple show gratitude enjoy small actions through the day like drinking water be aware that when you eat you are nourishing  your body paying like that is nice to seat down and see people go by. for a creating compassion the  first step we must take is be Abbye's  and practice being unbies through the day every day second appreciate  the every one helps third learned to reciprocate kindness four be a loving creature your self and then compassion will be natural to practice and your meditations and your every day life and as you bring these practices in to your life your mind will illuminate and reconnect restoring you from mental illnesses

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