world systems........ in every atom of the universe exist vast oceans of wold systems stars with empty space dark mater except is not empty is full of energy where spins of energy appear and disappear from nowhere and start to form new minute atomic particle's to mayor atomic partical sccreating movement time and space authoring and repelling each other creating molecules clouds of gases where the creation of planets starts and world systems and life forms are created and that means all life forms including us becoming to be no more no less the a extension of mater and energy becoming a micro form the macro. so Little Grass hoppers it doesn't have to painful if we remove all flags all religions all boundaries will see that all humanity is the same same potential same necessities same experiences same heart same wish to be happy we are simply equals that is our reality we have no room for discrimination of any kind and if you red these words . I hope you might reflect on them and perhaps we can enjoy a better life in this beautiful planet together .I KNOW you don't have to tell me perhaps I am a just a fool thinking that I can be wise
ingnorance has basis informed an uninformed I take the world should be informeed